Independent Living Versus Assisted Living

Independent Living Versus Assisted Living

If you or your aging loved one is preparing to downsize from your current home into a community like Baldwin House Senior Living in Michigan, you probably have a lot of questions. One of the main questions we get asked is, “Tell me about independent living versus...
How To Age Gracefully & Embrace The Golden Years

How To Age Gracefully & Embrace The Golden Years

Aging gracefully has a myriad of meanings, depending on who you ask. At Baldwin House Senior Living, when we think of “aging gracefully,” we know it means knowing that no matter how many candles are on your cake, your attitude is what helps with aging gracefully and...
How Respite Care Prevents Caregiver Burnout

How Respite Care Prevents Caregiver Burnout

For many adults, taking care of aging parents may not be something they “signed up” for, but they step in and take care of mom and dad because their parents took care of them when they needed it. Adults who find themselves in the “sandwich generation,” or that time...
How To Help Seniors Enjoy The Holidays

How To Help Seniors Enjoy The Holidays

The holidays are a time of joy for many, but for senior adults, it can be a time of loneliness. Senior adults who have lost spouses, siblings or other loved ones may find the holidays bring up memories of what they’ve lost. This is especially true for senior adults...