5 Reasons Older Adults Need Friends

5 Reasons Older Adults Need Friends

As we age, having friends could be more important than having friends when we’re younger. We have put this article together to share 5 reasons older adults need friends and to let you know that at Baldwin House Senior Living, our staff and residents will quickly...
Let’s Bust Aging Myths

Let’s Bust Aging Myths

“You’re too old to do that!” “That is only something young people can wear, buy, go…” Let’s bust aging myths because let’s face it – you’re only as old as you feel, right? At Baldwin House Senior Living, we understand that yes, as you age, you may not be as spry as...
Power Of Positive Aging: 7 Tips

Power Of Positive Aging: 7 Tips

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” ~ George Bernard Shaw This quote holds so much truth. You can either grow old or positively age – there is a difference. The power of positive aging: 7 tips are designed to help you stay...
Should You Age In Place?

Should You Age In Place?

Aging in place is a living arrangement that many older adults are implementing for themselves. Aging in place is the act of staying in your current home as you age. Having a strong support system, having access to services you may require and being in relatively good...
6 Summer Safety Tips For Seniors

6 Summer Safety Tips For Seniors

Summer is the best time of year for getting outdoors, enjoying the sunshine and participating in fun activities. After a long winter, many of us want to throw open the windows and let the warmth and sunshine in, or just get outside. That’s wonderful, but older adults...