Don’t let your golden years equal slowing down, sitting back and simply aging. When you enjoy your life and are happier, you just might be healthier as you age! The retirement living and active adult professionals at Baldwin House Senior Living in Michigan know that social activities and a sense of community lead to more happiness.

Depending on how old you are, you may have seen adults – maybe even family members – who seem “older than their years.” We know though that when you enjoy your life – at any age – it’s a significant factor in healthy aging. In fact, a study conducted by the University College in London showed that of the more than 3,000 men and women surveyed, aged 60 years and older, those who had a positive outlook on life enjoyed physical well-being. Those who were unhappy and had a more negative outlook on life were up to three times as likely to develop health issues than those in the study with happier outlooks on life.

How Happiness Leads To Healthier Aging

What can you, or your loved one, do to live a happier, and therefore healthier, life?

  1. Make friends. Don’t let yourself be isolated and alone. If you are aging in place, it is important to ensure you get out of your house and interact with friends and family.
  2. Get up and get moving. Physical well-being stems from physical exercise. You don’t need to run marathons, but you do need to move your body. In fact, the more you move, the higher your energy levels will be, and that will help lift your spirit. Take a walk; even if the weather doesn’t allow for outdoor walking, take a walk around your house – more than once. Do chair stretches. Garden. Join a gym with activities aimed at seniors and older adults. Find an activity you enjoy and/or find someone with whom to exercise. Having an activity accountability partner may just motivate you to stick with a workout routine.
  3. Eat a healthy diet. Fill your plate with lean protein and fruits and vegetables. If you live alone and don’t want to eat alone, invite a friend or family member to enjoy a meal with you. If you don’t have any family who lives close, set up a video dinner date. If you don’t want to cook, consider having food delivered. Check into meal services and local resources for meals for seniors; many provide meal delivery, and the cost of meals is very reasonable. Drink plenty of water and eat a high-fiber diet.
  4. Make sure you have a sense of purpose in your life, as this will help you fill your days with activity. Whether you volunteer, pursue a hobby or attend events at your local senior center or religious organization, knowing you have something to get up for in the morning gives you a better outlook on your life and your days.
  5. Take care of your personal hygiene. When you brush your teeth and hair and shower, you will look good and feel better. Get a haircut or color your hair for a quick lift!
  6. Make it a point to learn something new. At our communities, we provide social activities and various craft sessions to keep our brains and bodies moving. If you aren’t yet a resident in one of our active adult communities, check into the local library as it usually provides free or low-cost classes. Look for online or in-person classes on a topic you’re interested in and sign up. Not only will you be learning something new, but you might just make new friends.
  7. Humor can lower stress. Laughter just makes you feel better. Watch a show you love. Find a friend or family member and have a talk – and a laugh with them.

Visit a Baldwin House Senior Living community near you. Baldwin House Senior Living is built upon the strong foundation of guiding families and empowering seniors.

Baldwin House offers families peace of mind and gives active adults and seniors who call Baldwin House home the freedom to live their very best lives. Call us today to schedule a visit. We’d love to meet you or your loved one!